Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

My son came home from school shouting very loud, I am sure the whole neighborhood can hear...

Son : Mommy! Mommy! I have a surprise for you!

Me : (He reached home by then, so I do not have to shout back.) Wow! What is my surprise?

Son : (taking out a paper from his school bag) Here! A card I made for you!

Me : Wow! This is so nice... its so sweet of you. Why do I get a card today? ( I was thinking he might answer something about valentines day or that he loves me, etc.)

Son : Teacher said we cannot give it to our girlfriends e. We can only give it to our mommies. So you get it.

Wow! I should be grateful to the teacher.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Does Noah know about the mosquitoes?

One day, a naughty little neighbor made a big hole in our main screen door. We were not aware of it until we noticed lots of mosquitoes flying around at dinner time. Then, we knew, there must be another new hole. (Yup! This has happened before.) As usual, we had to bring out the electric mosquito zapper. But still, there were several flying around, bothering us as we were having dinner.

That night during bedtime...

Girl : Ma, does Noah know about the mosquitoes?

She is asking about Noah of the Ark fame. Now, I have always taught my kids that God made all things great and small, that means pesky insects included. Whenever they ask why God created insects like mosquitoes and coackroaches that could harm us. I tell them that when God created these insects, they were not intended to harm humans. It is because we humans do not know how to take care of them and the environment, and the world is so polluted now, that is why these insects have to bother us humans fo their food. My girl already know this. She also knows that Noah had all the animals of the land and air inside the Ark, (except for the fishes and sea creatures - their kind can obviously survive the flood). So, why would she ask a question for which she obviously know the answer? I suspected that this is just an opening or a preliminary question for another major question which would entail another lenghty discussion. And since it is already bedtime, I tried to discourage further discussion...

Me : Why don't you ask Noah yourself when you go to heaven?

Girl : But ma, surely, Noah would know about the mosquitoes, right?
(hmmm, very persistent.)

Boy : (Sounding very incredulous!) Atsi, you don't know the answer? Of course if you ask him, Noah would NOT know about the mosquitoes!

Me and Girl : (surprised) And Why not?

Boy : Because Noah DOES NOT speak English!

No wonder I suffer from insomnia...